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OkCupid Review

 OkCupid is one of the most popular free online dating websites, especially in the USA. In the United States it is second only to POF, but worldwide it may be a bit lower, depending on whether or not you include social networks that are focused on meeting people such as Badoo, among other types of similar sites. At any rate, it was founded in 2004 by a smart group of serial entrepreneurs, and then sold off to in 2011 for a nice chunk of change – let’s just say they did VERY well for themselves. Many people feared OkCupid would be ruined by the new owners, but it appears that it has been left essentially the same, as I have not witnessed any major changes.

One of the major sources of OkCupid’s success is quite possibly their proprietary matching algorithm. The site will ask you to answer a very long list of questions it deems to be important with regards to any relationship, and then it will issue you a % of compatibility when viewing other user profiles. However, there is no way to be sure that this is the reason they have done so well, because often times with dating sites all that really matters is marketing and getting enough people to start using a site, so rather than talk up this feature set as being amazing we will let you draw your own conclusions. Of course, in order to be able to draw your own conclusions, you will need to give them a visit at