Chatpig Review

 This chat site, despite its name, doesn’t really seem to have much of anything, if anything at all, to do with pigs. There is no feature involving pork, or any other such pig-related things. What it does have to do with, however, is being a Chatroulette alternative, with all the expected bells and whistles, and, with a bit of a twist. You see, Chatpig decided to go after the German language market – yea, that’s right, Germany! Maybe the German love for all things pig in their food is related to the name choice, I don’t know, but the attempt to corner this market has seemed to work out relatively well for them.

At any rate, in terms of popularity they have in recent days seemed to be on the rise. In the last month their Alexa rank has been around 80k, which is an uptick from their rolling three-month average of 114k. What does this mean for you? Well, it means that if you do decide to give them a try, you should have plenty of German’s available to discuss such awesome things as wienerschnitzel with, hurray! But, of course, as an english-speaking person you may find communicating to be a little bit tough on this site. I hate to break it to you, but not everyone in the world speaks our language! In any event, if this all sounds like a good time to you, check out this random roulette video cam chat site at

Funyo Review

 This chat site is affiliated with another popular site, Chatrandom, and thus has quite a few similarities. However, it also has it’s own special features that really differentiate it. First, it has your usual Chatroulette-style random video chat room, which has a decent number of people available at any time. You won’t have to wait too long to get connected, but it doesn’t have nearly as many users online as it’s much more popular affiliate. Second, it has a group chat room feature which allows the usage of live webcam video feeds. The feeds can be broadcast such that everyone in the room can watch them or a user can opt to do only private video calls with other individual users – this makes it a nice chatting option since it kind of covers all the bases.

Finally, Funyo has a major extra feature that really differentiates it. This extra feature is what it calls a “webcam based social network”, and it is geared towards adults only. This becomes more apparent when you see the adult-oriented images of many of its members. At any rate, it’s an interesting functionality, and seems to be attempting to do something similar to what iMeetzu has done with their social network, only much less strictly moderated. So, take that as you will, and if this sounds like something you would like to check out visit them at

Bazoocam Review

 Bazoocam is unique, but not so much because of the features it provides. The features themselves are essentially nothing more than a copy of Chatroulette – there is nothing unique about them. However, the site is still VERY popular, which begs the question, why? Why would a copycat be super popular? The most obvious answer is that they were able to market themselves as a viable Chatroulette alternative site, and luckily for them, people are always on the prowl for sites similar to websites they already like and know of. However, in my opinion, what really allowed them to succeed was picking a target audience and going from there, and that target audience was France.

Yep, that’s right, Bazoocam has a primarily French (Français) user base. It targeted the French market, and established arguably the most popular random chat platform in that market, and grew from there. Now it also has a large audience in Italy as well, and a pretty large following worldwide thereafter. So, there you have it! If you’re looking to practice up on your non-english languages, this is a great place to do so, and it always has plenty of users available 24/7 to keep you entertained and running through lots of new faces. If all this sounds pretty awesome, check them out at

Camzap Review

 Camzap was one of the first and quickest-to-market Chatroulette imitators. Very few sites were able to capitalize on Chatroulette’s viral popularity as well as this fast-mover, and thus, this site was able to reap benefits it otherwise likely would not have. A following was developed, although primarily through attracting users from foreign countries more so than users from the USA. Even to this day, the site remains popular and used primarily by the international community. It all started as an almost exact copy of Chatroulette, but to their credit they have now added something extra and interesting.

Rather than stick with only a simple roulette random video chat system, Camzap decided to add in their very own proprietary feature set. What is it you might ask? Well, you probably wouldn’t even notice it if I didn’t tell you because you kind of have to look for it, and it’s one pretty small link near the bottom of the page, but it’s their Beta version. In any case, once you click the link to go to this new Beta version you will see that there’s a whole registration system and everything. One of the most compelling features is the Add Friends button that accompanies the typical roulette webcam setting. In other words, as you’re going through the masses of random strangers, you can instantly save your favorites so that you can find them again later and continue your conversations! Awesome! To check the site out go to Update: Site no longer exists.

POF Review

 POF, short for Plenty of Fish, is the most popular free online dating website in the world, at least to my knowledge. I suppose the one way I could be wrong about this off the top of my head is if you consider Badoo to be a dating site, but for now let’s pretend this is not the case. On second thought, another way I could be wrong is if there is some super popular Chinese or Indian dating site I’m unaware of, so let me just rephrase my initial statement. POF is the most popular English language based free online dating site in the world. THERE. Anyway, the point is, POF is VERY popular, it’s a dating website, and it’s totally free, woohoo! If that’s not enough to get you to check it out, keep reading.

Founded by a Canadian back when there were only paid subscription style dating sites, Plenty of Fish has always been and continues to remain 100% free. However, you can still pay for credits which can be used to buy gifts for people and access other premium features you cannot otherwise access for free. BUT, everything you need in order to search for, contact, and set up meetings with people is completely available. The simplicity of the site is part of what makes it so great, and the founder has mentioned how he is very concerned about making changes that could either annoy users or hurt his ad revenue, so when you combine those two issues I kind of doubt we’ll be seeing any sort of drastic changes like what you see with Facebook. You see, the way things are currently, the site works and sets up people with millions of dates a year, so when you have that kind of success and constant growth, I’m not sure why any changes would be needed. If this sounds good, visit the site at

Badoo Review

 Badoo is a pretty cool site that you may quite possibly have never heard of if you’re from the USA, despite it’s insane popularity! How popular do you ask? Oh, I don’t know, only over 166 MILLION registered users! Crazy huh? You see, Badoo just isn’t as big in the USA as it is in a lot of other foreign countries, like, for example, Brazil – it’s HUGE there. Anyway, I suppose I should give you more details then just saying it’s a site with a lot of users. Badoo provides a sort of social network with a dating focus, if that makes any sense.

Many people have coined the term “social encounters” or something similar that to describe sites in this niche, because there are others. I guess the best way to think of it is sort of as a cross between Facebook and a dating site, although I think Badoo in particular leans more towards being a dating site than a social network, where as other sites in the niche lean more towards being a social network than a dating site, but to each their own. In any case, the site has some great location-utilizing features that work quite well with your mobile phone. You can see anyone who happens to be nearby you and is also using the app in real time, so that is pretty cool. If more people started using it you could maybe see exactly who happens to be in a bar nearby and make an effort to go there and meet them for real, if you catch my drift. I’m not sure whether people like that concept or not, I can see both positives and negatives to it – of course you can always just close the application if you get too many random people coming up to you and saying “hey, I saw you on Badoo!” But yea, if you want to check the site out head over to

Chatville Review

 When Chatville first began it didn’t exactly have the anonymity qualities you typically find with a Chatroulette-style random chat site. Rather, it was first produced with the motive of being an acceptable app for Facebook, or in other words, not being plagued with the nasty adult material other roulette websites are stuck with. The only way really to avoid that sort of content is to require people to be registered, and ultimately, require them to sort of care about what other people think of what they do while using the service. The only way to truly accomplish such a feat is to tie people’s Facebook profiles to a service, or at least some sort of profile that holds them more accountable and also increases the barriers to entering the chat area again if they get banned etc. So yea, that was how it started, but nowadays it took a 180 degree turn.

Anonymity is back in full force on Chatville, and along with it came the mature content. It’s not really any fault of their own, for whatever reason when dudes are given the chance a large number of them like to well….do their thing lol. However, that isn’t the only difference now, they also completely got rid of the roulette concept, and now are only a sort of live group video chat community. You can watch streams, see how many people are viewing them, and start your own if you desire. There are a plethora of other features as well, but rather than go into more detail I’ll just let you check it out yourself. You can find the site at, enjoy!

Streamberry Review

 This site has a kind of odd name, not exactly sure why they put the word “berry” on the end, unless I’m missing some sort of obvious pun or other meaning. Anyway, besides the name, the site itself is pretty legitimate. I don’t know how it really ever became popular, because I never noticed when it first came out, but in my search for roulette video chat sites I RANDOMLY (pun totally intended) came across it. I think they recently gave it a design makeover too, because it looks a lot nicer now than it did that last time I visited, so that’s cool.

In terms of features, Streamberry offers a couple main choices to satisfy your chatting desires. The first is your expected roulette webcam chat, with all the usual bells and whistles (you can NEXT people, woohoo!). The second is a bit more intriguing, since, well, it’s different from the first :p . Basically, it’s a group video chat deal where you can have your own live feed and/or watch other live feeds. In fact, you can watch as many as four live feeds all at once, so that’s pretty sweet. You can see how many people are viewing each channel, and thereby be a total bandwagoner if you would like. Thus, if you’re someone who likes to be able to just follow the crowd, this might be for you, hurray! In any case, you can give this bad boy of a website a visit at Update: Site no longer exists.

Chatrandom Review

 This site is one of the most popular roulette chat sites nowadays. It’s a solid Chatroulette alternative, and has grown by leaps and bounds within the last year or so. Marketing must be the forte of the owners, because the growth really is remarkable. So remarkable, in fact, that Chatrandom has risen from it’s humble beginnings of what was essentially obscurity to now being I believe the #3 most popular site in the niche, so yea, a very impressive job done by the founders. It seems like with sites like this you really have to reach a certain number of users online at any given time before you have any shot of really making it, and that seems to have occurred in this case and then some. I guess the point is you will never have an issue with not having enough fresh faces on this website, if you catch my drift!

Anyway, the site has extra features beyond that of the typical random chat site. In addition to webcam roulette, the site has a group video chat room option that is quite popular – there are multiple rooms with hundreds of people in them at any given time and no shortage of entertainment! On top of this extra option, they also have another extra option called “multi chat” that also involves chat rooms but of a different style. The style of this functionality seems to be more based on viewing “shows” or creating your own live “show” and gaining as many viewers as possible. You can view as many as 4 live feeds all at the same time, so that’s pretty cool, and you can rotate between a few different major rooms to see who all is available. Similar to the group option already mentioned, this one also has hundreds of users in multiple rooms available to chat with. At any rate, if this sounds interesting you can visit the website at

iMeetzu Review

 iMeetzu is in a category of its own when you compare it to the other popular roulette chat sites. You see, the creators really went all out with this one. Rather than stopping with the initial random chatting functionality they added a whole new concept into the mix, a stranger-based social network. That’s right, those same crazy people you next-ed now have their very own profiles, and you can even add them to your friends! Yes, I joke, but in reality it’s actually quite cool. If you’re lucky you may even meet someone cool that lives nearby you, or in other words, make real world friends! The community is quite active actually, and the site has a lot of the same functionality that Facebook does, but it’s still kind of in Zuckerberg dorm room mode, if you catch my drift.

Anyway, the social network is but one piece of the iMeetzu puzzle, they also have plenty of straight up gangsta chatting features. They have text-only, just like Omegle, and they have video-only, just like Chatroulette. BUT, they also have a little something extra, which is a group chat rooms option that includes webcam capabilities – it’s pretty sweet. So yea, iMeetzu really does have it all, and it has plenty of users online too. In other words, it’s got the full package, so you should definitely check them out! Find them at